Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We made it through another day

I totally expected some problems during our 'transitional' period but man these kids are driving me nuts. T was up three times last night and then decided she was up for the day at 6am. I don't think I passed out until about eleven and with three wakie-wakies I was in no shape for a 6am wake up call. I changed her soaked butt (no wonder she was wide awake and screaming instead of playing nicely in her bed so mom can hit the imaginary snooze button like most days) and put her butt in between hub and I with a bottle hoping she'd snooze. HEHE. Did I mention that I am most positive that someone slips my kids crack when I'm not looking. My children don't like sleep. They have never been children to just lay down on the floor and sleep. My son wakes up like clockwork at 6:30 daily. Now, I don't so much mind when it's time for school but guys this is summer and we're supposed to be enjoying it. I have to fight tooth and nail to get Josaphine up and out the door in time for school but summer, seven am wake up. Gotta play those ds's.

Miss Morgana on the other hand was nice enough to sleep in for everyone today and didn't roll her dimpled little butt out of bed until 8:30 this morning. You'd think that should make for a better day right. Nice and rested, no need to be mean just for the sake of being mean? Please, don't be fooled! She was still full of piss and vinegar.

I did manage to unpack two more bathroom boxes and organize a few things today while the queenT took incredibly long naps due to the lack of sleep last night. I tried to sleep when she was down this morning but instead of floating off to la la land I laid in bed thinking about all the stuff I need to accomplish.

Okay, have to put the big kids down (to bed)! Screaming meme is finally sleeping in her crib so we can knock the other ones down now too!

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