Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Maybe it is safer here, but...

I still want someone to interact with. My MF board is getting hoakey right now so I've not been doing a lot of posting there. I guess I still feel like an 'outsider'. I love using the journal over there though. At least I get a little input. And I guess that I've always believed that people have to do what works for them as far as weight loss goes. If it's a great plan but you aren't going to stick with it then NO it isn't going to work for you. Period.

Well, weighed in at 227.6 today. I've been getting scale love lately and I'll take it. I've decided that I'm going bottom shopping next Monday when C is off work and can keep the baby home. I'm excited. I also thought that if I wait that long and keep on track I might possibly buy 18's instead of 20's. Even if they are a little snug. At least then I know I can't get lazy. Not comfortable with top shopping yet. Shirts these days are short and I'm still not comfortable with my midsection. So, I'll keep wearing what I have til I'm comfy with the stomach and maybe then I'll get new stuff. Depends on the $$ right now too.

Okay, gotta move, it's girl scout night tonight.

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