Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I guess we'll see. I just laid baby down. I hope that she decides to take a nap today. She has only taken a one hour nap so far today. With everything else that has been going on that just isn't going to work for me.

Diet wise, I'm on bottle seven of water (x16.9 oz=118.3 oz). Not completely done with it yet tho. Have only had coffee and one salad so far today. I'm going to go eat another salad when I'm done typing. I was 217.8 this morning. Attitude-not bad. I can't wait for my 'food' to get here. I will be a much happier person when I have some choices. I need some shakes. I'm so sick of the crap stuff that I have right now that I've been skipping my meals. I know, I don't need a lecture, that's not a good thing. I gave the same lecture to my mom when she was here. I just can't stomach the chic noodle soup any more.

My 'big' kids have stopped most of their drama. Six year old has been included with the others.

Okay, so, I know it's almost Thanksgiving, and I always seem to reflect on things that I am truly thankful for. This year will be no different. I am thankful that my husband is not an ass. He and I had to have that conversation again last night. I've told you about my coffee friends? Well, the one mom, D, brought her friend over yesterday. This is the first time I've met the other chica, H. Well, they both start going off on their husbands and what jerks they are. Something was on tv at the time and D says, man, can you imagine having someone love you as much as you can see him loving her (guy on tv looking at woman on tv). Why would you stay married to someone that you think is an ass? H, has a three month old, thinks she could be pregnant again, will find out Dec 3 if another baby (5mo) is her husbands. UM, HELLO! Stupid.

I am thankful that Corey and I are comfortable enough with each other now that we can talk about so many different things. I am glad that he is a good dad. I am glad that he has given me the opportunity to stay home with our youngest. I was a sahm mom for so many years. When I went back into the work-force it was necessary due to our financial situation. He hates change. And he took a new job and we moved so I could stay home. Of course it was something that we discussed, don't think that he just decided to get a new job.

I am thankful for my children and their health. Even if they do occasionally irritate me. I am glad that they are healthy. We have had no major illnesses this year. No hospitalizations. I am thankful that I have smart children.

I am thankful for new friendships. Whether in person or on my computer and telephone. I have a couple of new friends that I have come to cherish. I did not realize that for so long I was without true friends. I mean, I had some friends that I could talk to about SOME things but I would never bare my soul to them. I know for a fact that if I needed anything I could call my friend A! She's already trying to bend over backwards to make me happy. And NO not in a bad clingy way. She's a true friend. We actually have had conversations about how well we have connected. I swear she's like a long lost sister.

Okay, I need to do some stuff while baby is sleeping.

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