Monday, November 12, 2007

Ranting of a lunatic

That's exactly how I feel these days. I mentioned before that I seemed to unknowingly join a cult??? I enjoy this 'fat girl board' as I call them. There are a few boys on board, not to be discriminating. Anyway, my 'diet' of choice is medifast, most of the time, and I found this board. I thought said board would be awesome to join in on. Lots of support and encouragement. No blatant flaming going on during my lurking. I have limited computer time. Easy to log on and fill my cup with positive vibes right? Wrong. I cannot stand small minded people. People who believe that the only way to do things is their way. There is never any middle ground. Never grey, just straight up black and white. Right or wrong. Win or lose.

Well, I'm sorry that I don't fit your little cookie cutter mold. I like to be different. That's just part of me. Hub and I joke that it's nice to be different, just like everyone else. But seriously. How boring would life be if everyone was exactly the same? Believed the same things. You cannot go through life with blinders on thinking that there is only one way to do things. Maybe I am just crazy? At my last job I had to train people for their positions. I would always start by saying, 'this is how I do it, once you figure out what needs to be done, you'll find the way that works best for you' and I'd leave it at that. Pretty simple really. This is what needs to be done, this is when it needs to be done, here's all these other things you can use to fill time, figure out what works best for you. I don't want to live with machines. I want humans with feelings and thoughts and beliefs.

Point of this rant...the majority of the people on that fat board believe that mf is the only way to go. It's totally mf, totally compliant, on-plan or you can't be successful. When I began this re-start in August I had every intention of only working it for two weeks and then moving on. I wanted a quick start. I've worked it much longer because I had the supplies to do so. With $$ being a little tighter since we've moved I've had to rethink things. I know that I do not need to eat out all the time and spend $$. I also know that I'm not going to mf for the rest of my life. I'm okay with that. I'm not going to be the skinny little anorexic type. That's just not me. I want to keep my curves just lose some of the pudge. That's all.

Okay, rant over, I think, for now. I need to put my over tired behind to bed and sleep on it.

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