Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My NEW house

Of course we're renting. Our house in Indiana hasn't sold yet. This is a blueprint of my house. Ours is very similar to this floor plan only backwards. Just flip things from side to side.

hope that works

copy and paste the http: part

Monday, June 25, 2007

ugh, it's over

Another weekend over. Why is it that the time on weekends seems to pass so quickly? I can honestly say we accomplished next to nothing this weekend. Just a nice quiet weekend sitting inside doing nothing with the kids.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We made it through another day

I totally expected some problems during our 'transitional' period but man these kids are driving me nuts. T was up three times last night and then decided she was up for the day at 6am. I don't think I passed out until about eleven and with three wakie-wakies I was in no shape for a 6am wake up call. I changed her soaked butt (no wonder she was wide awake and screaming instead of playing nicely in her bed so mom can hit the imaginary snooze button like most days) and put her butt in between hub and I with a bottle hoping she'd snooze. HEHE. Did I mention that I am most positive that someone slips my kids crack when I'm not looking. My children don't like sleep. They have never been children to just lay down on the floor and sleep. My son wakes up like clockwork at 6:30 daily. Now, I don't so much mind when it's time for school but guys this is summer and we're supposed to be enjoying it. I have to fight tooth and nail to get Josaphine up and out the door in time for school but summer, seven am wake up. Gotta play those ds's.

Miss Morgana on the other hand was nice enough to sleep in for everyone today and didn't roll her dimpled little butt out of bed until 8:30 this morning. You'd think that should make for a better day right. Nice and rested, no need to be mean just for the sake of being mean? Please, don't be fooled! She was still full of piss and vinegar.

I did manage to unpack two more bathroom boxes and organize a few things today while the queenT took incredibly long naps due to the lack of sleep last night. I tried to sleep when she was down this morning but instead of floating off to la la land I laid in bed thinking about all the stuff I need to accomplish.

Okay, have to put the big kids down (to bed)! Screaming meme is finally sleeping in her crib so we can knock the other ones down now too!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Oh the joy...

So, for any of you that didn't know, we moved. Not just a nice local move from one side of the city to the other...we moved, from Indiana to TEXAS. I was very crazy and decided to travel cross country by myself with all four kids. We started out on Sunday and made it to Indianapolis. I spent the night there with my brother. On Monday we went to the Indy Children's museum. If you ever have the opportunity to visit that museum you really should. It was amazing. My kids loved it and they range from one year to nine. It had something for everyone. Well, after spending the day there we left on our was to St. Louis. We made it to just outside of St. Louis (on the east side).

On Tuesday we were supposed to visit the St. Louis zoo but after missing an exit three times I decided fate was against me and we headed on our way to Orettas in Kansas (or right around there somewhere). I promised the kids that we would make a fun day of traveling by stopping a lot so, of course, we stopped A LOT. We stopped at many, many rest stops to get out and run around. We stopped at a play McD's but only realized once we were inside that the play area was closed for cleaning. So, we ate and waited. Once they were done we went in and played for an hour or so. I talked to Oretta on the phone to let her know where we were and she started flipping out because we were only a few hours away. She was worried that her house wasn't clean enough. Her mom told her 'Oretta she was your roommate she knows how you are." :D

So, we made it to her house around three. I was excited because we would be spending two nights in the same hotel room. It's funny what excites you when you travel. Well, her hubby, Shawn, showed us to our hotel around five. I was nice enough to let the kids get in the pool once we had all the crap out of the van. We went to eat after words and then made it back to the hotel. I was listening to a room full of snoring kids by eight thirty that night.

On Wednesday we got up and had really good breakfast at the hotel. The kids had cinnamon roll french toast. YUMMY. I let the kids swim for a bit before Oretta called to meet up for the day. After we met up we went to this little sub shop to get sandwiches for a picnic. We ended up at this kids farm where we picnic-ed and played on toys before going inside to get sunburned. When we went to this farm it was for the express purpose of Shawn taking my three big kids fishing. YUCK! But they loved it. They used little bamboo cane fishing poles. Shawn baited all the hooks because there was no way I was touching worms. At one point Josaphina had waited to long and asked if she could have a wipe because she was going to bait her own hook! I had to laugh.

I'll post more later. Have to deal with the heathens and get to Walmart.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Everyone made it alive

Well, we made it. Everyone is here in Texas! One long week of traveling and everyone is here no worse for wear. A few of us sunburned and are peeling but other than that no major trama.