Sunday, August 22, 2010

Um, hi blog, it's me

Well, it's been quite awhile since I've posted on here. I didn't forget you existed. I promise. I just didn't take the time necessary to rid myself of all my excess thoughts! Poor Corey has been having to listen to all of it!

Things have been ok here. My three big kids go back to school tomorrow and I cannot wait. Don't get me wrong. I love summertime but I'm ready to move on to what's next. They all start getting a little antsy toward the end of summer and basically become grouchy little beings. My girls have started having pms right along with me...even though neither of them have had any sort of visit from that fairy yet! So, once a month my house feels like a war zone and we all have emotional fits of sorts.

I wish I had something fun to say has been taking up my time but there is nothing. We have been surviving by simply surviving. God has taken care of us every time we've needed help. I don't want you to think my life has been a struggle every day but we have moved from one thing to deal with to another.

Our renters never contacted me so I re-took possession of my house on January 4th. They trashed the house before they abandoned it. My parent's started working on the house the next week-cleaning it out of garbage-they left enough stuff that we had to rent a dumpster. They are still working on it-seven full months later.

I feel like I'm lost right now. Running around in the wilderness. Indecision. Little time with Corey since he's switched to 3rd shift. I know that that little thing right there makes a big difference. I'm not upset that he's changed shifts. I know, in my heart, that this is the right place for him to be. I know that he needs to be in a third shift position. It fits his natural sleep cycle.

It just sucks because the kids spent a total of about 15 minutes with him when he was awake yesterday. I think I might be losing my mind. I know that 'this too shall pass' but it's always fun getting through it-whatever IT is today.

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