Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Grouchy anyone?

Yah, I had my two servings today and am fully stocked. I don't know what my problem is lately. I'm just grouchy. Everyone makes me mad. I want to ask people 'where did you put your brain today?' I keep telling myself to get over it but so far I can't shake it. I got up this morning and did my usual scale dance (scale-pee-scale-shower-scale) and I got a good number 214.8. I should be happy. This is the lowest I've been in YEARS. I mean, like five years. So, I know I should be happy. Instead I'm sitting here thinking about how someone that is supposed to be my friend is just totally taking advantage of me. I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to get away from it. I don't even want to answer my phone anymore cause I know she's going to ask me for something.

So, I need to get to Walmart when baby wakes up. I have some stuff to do after school today. The boy child has young astronauts right after school and then boy scouts at 6:30 which means dinner on the stove ready to go when I pick them up from school. Which also means I need to go clean the kitchen.

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