Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Good morning world...

Well, we didn't make it over to pay rent yesterday so that is on the list of things to do today. I'm going to have to hit target to get some fake glasses for my oldest daughters character costume...kids can come to school in a costume if they are a character from a book AND they bring the book to school with them. Oldest wants to be Junie B. Jones...have to figure that one out. The boy will be Harry Potter. Younger daughter is going to be Cinderella, I think--that was, as of bedtime last night. I will put the baby in her Magenta costume before we walk over to the school to see the character parade at 2pm.

So, lets see, bought a shampooer yesterday and it is awesome! It has removed all the drops of who-knows-what from the spill-proof cups off the floor. The big red kool-aid stain is still there but I had a suggestion from a friend to try that oxyclean on it and see if it helps.

No major news to report. I've gotta clean some bathrooms today and play with the carpet cleaner some more!

Diet news-stepped on the scale today. Glad I didn't do it yesterday. Was 218 on Sunday then had that bad day. Today scale said 220.4. UGH. Can't even imagine what she would have said yesterday. Had a great compliment after school yesterday. I chat with my two mom friends after school. We were walking towards the parking lot and one of the mom's starts yelling that she has to tell me something (I was walking a ways in front of them at that point). I wait for her to catch up and she tells me that she could really notice a difference in me today. She said to me that when I was walking my butt looked smaller. I about kissed her. Well, then this morning my other mom friend said that when me and first mom were walking we had on same kind of bottoms and from the back we look the same from the waist down. Mind you mom #1 is in 14's. I'm in 18's now. I am stoked. It's nice to hear things from people that I'm seeing daily. Now I really can't wait for my parents to get here. I want my momma to see me.

When I started doing MF I wasn't sure how long it would last. I am now down over 50#s with it. I've set 170 as a goal weight but am not sure about that. I don't know if that would seriously be comfortable for my body. I don't want to have to 'diet' forever. I'd like to get to a weight that I can maintain and still eat some foods. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've never actually seen myself succeeding on this weight loss journey. I figured that I'd give up when I'd lost 30 or 40 pounds and just be satisfied. I am satisfied with what I've done so far, don't get me wrong. I'm just not satisfied enough to stop yet. I keep thinking that if I can get my body under 200#'s I'd be happy. I've said that for a long time. Again, at that point I'm going to play it by feeling and see how my body FEELS and what I'm comfortable with.

I don't want to make excuses, or have anyone think that I'm just making excuses to be able to quit. I just know that my body is never going to be small. I'm going to have to find some pictures of me in HS and post them on my MMT board. I've got one from me during my junior year when I started my first diet. In the picture I was between 185-190# and you really wouldn't know it. I'm thick--solid, I guess would be a good word for it. Again, not trying to make excuses, just being acceptable to what I have and what I've been given.

Okay, going to go play with my carpet shampooer for awhile.

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