Thursday, October 18, 2007

I feel like I neglect so many things. This blog, my email buddy, my friends...

I have been caught up in my own head lately. My parents are coming out in 15 days and I'm thinking about that a lot. I've been caught up in my weight issues and the scale not moving as rapidly as it had. My sister is having issues and as terrible as I feel for her I want to tell her to do what needs to be done and move on with it. I can't do anything for her financially so I'm sitting here feeling helpless for her. She is overwhelmed. I would love to talk about it, to my mom or grams. My mom is living it tho and I think sometimes she calls me to be able to 'get away' from the issue and not have to deal with it for awhile.

I weighed in at 222.8 today. I'm constantly trying to be 'good' and stay on plan. I need to get to my emails and mail my friend from the board I'm on.

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