Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Forgot to say that I am so incredibly tired these days. I've been waking up at least once a night, if not twice, to hit the library. I drink too much water too close to bedtime. We're going trick or treating tonight. I've got on my horns and tail. I'm taking the new neighbors daughters with us. New neighbors will be closing on their house (should be signing 500 pages of stuff as we speak). The one guy told them to plan on being there for four to six hours. Can you imagine? I know it takes awhile but man, six hours? So, their two daughters will be joining us for the goodies.

I hope that there are actually people here in the subdivision that will be participating. But who knows. Things are so different here. Halloween seems like much more of a 'cult' type thing here. Not the sweet innocent fun that we had back in IN. I haven't wanted to watch the news lately because they've been finding mutilated cats all over. One woman had her cat taken and a few days later half of the cat was in her driveway. So, yah, things are different here.

I feel like the grouch goddess lately. I have no fuse to speak of. We got home from girl scouts last night and I just wanted to scream. I know that the girls are wound up when they're done but enough. Settle down already. I think we're going to start walking to the meetings because at least we'd have time to get some energy out on the walk home. I told them last night that if they keep acting like fools they won't be allowed to go back.

Okay, making frozen pizza for dinner but I need to go get my salad situated while baby is napping. Maybe I'll work on my blanket for a bit.

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