Friday, November 23, 2007

PMS anyone???

Okay, so I have some PMS related issues. Took me a few days to figure it out. My fuse has been incredibly short these last few days. I woke up today with a headache, normal sign of coming visitor, and said, hello, dumb ass, where's your brain been, no wonder you've been such a joy to live with lately.

So, I've claimed that. She still isn't here but at least I know why my boobs hurt and why I wanted to eat most of the day yesterday (I DIDN'T DO IT, btw). I threatened to eat the kids arms if someone didn't get their crap out of my way so I could make ANOTHER salad. I made it through the day though without wrecking what I've been working towards. Don't get me wrong, it was very hard for me. I got angry about it all when I started smelling all the smells but then I reminded myself that I needed to be grateful for what I have.

Anyway, when the rest of the fam here started to enjoy the pumpkin pie, which I hate anyway-but was talking to me, I decided to call my fam back in Indiana and talk to everyone that had gone to my p's to enjoy a feast. They passed me around and I have to say it was well worth it. My dad had my uncle make a dvd of all the pics they took while on vacation here. Well, when I called they were watching the pics. My fav grams grabbed the phone from my mom and just says oh my gosh Stephie, congratulations. Yes, my grams calls me Stephie, it used to be Stephie Dawne but I got her to drop the middle name years ago. Anyway, she was so excited to tell me what a difference she could see that she had grabbed the phone from my mom. I was so happy. I had to call my grams this morning to tell her that she made my day yesterday.

So, I was 216.4 yesterday. Today was 216.8. I know that it's PMS related. I wore a dress yesterday that I haven't had on in seven years. Yah, it was big on me but that's how I like them. My biggest 'problem' area is my stomach. I have a feeling it's never going to go away. I've decided that once I get to MY ideal weight I'm going to go have that dress altered to fit my new body. I'm keeping that one.

So, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I guess that being away from my family during holidays always seems to bring this side out. I know that it's probably not a good thing, but I'm glad that I didn't have to go to someone else's house for T-day. I'm not sure that I could have handled it. Plus, there is just so much drama in my family right now. I love my sister to death but she needs to act like she's an adult, not a 17yo kid. When I asked her about her idiot boyfriend she all of a sudden had to get off the phone.

Tuesday was my oldest daughters birthday. My sis called that night bawling from work. Not quite the happy birthday I was hoping for. After she talked to Josephina she tells me that I can't tell mom but her boyfriend might be the dad to some newborn baby. They have to do a paternity test to find out. I would think that this is not such a big deal since sis and said ass have only been together since March or April. The math does not add up. Baby would have been made before they got together right?? Whatever. I don't understand that ass anyway. He's happy hoping it's his cause he wants to know he can father a child. Same jackass that didn't hold a job for five out of the last six months. He doesn't understand why my sis hasn't gotten pregnant yet. Um, hello, do you REALLY need to bring another kid into it? My sis has two kids already. My parent's have to baby sit a couple of nights a week cause she needs the 'help'. I really don't think a baby would fix anything.

And then there's my other grandma. My dad's mom. My husband and I had a conversation about her last night. She is just something else. There's not really any way to describe her. She's one of those people. Living in denial. She's got to be pushing 300#. I get so angry when we have family things with her cause she's the one SITTING at the dessert table putting things in her mouth saying "I shouldn't be having this" as she puts the crap in her mouth. I don't know if I would have had the nerve to keep my mouth shut this year.

And my brother. Let's see...he comes up to my parents house so he can sleep for the entire time he's there. Not a big deal right? Except that he's got a six year old son that is very demanding of my mother. He only comes to visit so he has a babysitter. And I would have had to smack that kids mouth for ordering my mother around.

I am glad that I didn't have to deal with any of that yesterday. Between my pms and the 'dieting' I probably would have exploded on a few people. I'm glad I just had to deal with my own kids and the hub. Well, that and my own food issues and anger and all the baggage that comes with me.

So, today is Friday, and as much as I don't want to leave my house for fear of black friday shoppers, I need to go to the grocery store and buy milk, lettuce, tomatoes, bread and some candy for the goody bags for our party tomorrow. I am going to shower and then go once the baby gets up from her nap. I hope she wakes up in a good mood. And I hope all the crazies have gone home by the time I have to go out. The deals should be well over by noon right. Hopefully they don't all decide to go to the store once they've done all the other stuff.

1 comment:

rodeomom426 said...

Hey Steph - I am very proud of you and the way you handled T-Day! You are GOING to lose that belly and the rest of the weight you want to lose. We are GOING to lose it all together right!