Tuesday, January 8, 2008

And all that could have been

I really wish I could shake this fog. I have so many things that I want to do and I just don't have the motivation to do them. I'm going to get organized in my home. We've been here since the first week of June and now I know where I want things to be. When we got here I just kinda put things were I thought they might go. Now that we've been here and I see how things work together I can see that I need to do some tweaking.

I had a great day yesterday with hub being home. It was nice to be able to hang out with just him and the baby. I was frustrated when we were at the mall but other than that it was a really nice day. He and I sat on the couch talking and watching tv most of the afternoon. It's nice because usually he's such a quiet guy. We actually joke about our conversations because usually it's just me going on and on and him inserting a grunt or yes every now and then.

Okay, I think that I might just be feeling overwhelmed right now. I had a nice little break down on the phone this morning with Kim from the cult food store. My stuff will be in the air TODAY she promised. I tried really hard not to be mean and I explained to her how hard it was hard not to get nasty but I was very frustrated because the woman on the phone last Wednesday promised me the stuff was in a box and ready to ship. So she'd have to forgive me if I didn't believe her.

Alrighty, going to go do some stuff and watch some tv while baby is napping. Have to go to Walmart after she gets up. Ugh.

Forgot to mention...215.6 today, was the same yesterday. Maybe tomorrow it will move again.

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