Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wanna laugh??

Here's a funny little story just to give you your laugh for the day. My friend has this kid that does young astronauts after school most Wednesdays. She picks up both her daughters today and goes and waits for almost ten minutes wondering why the boy has not come out of the school yet. Said friend is smart enough that she reminded the boy that he would be having YA after school and she would be picking him up later. But she still stands and waits until oldest of the daughters says "HE HAS YA"

So, we're home now. One child less than normal. I'll have to go pick up the boy later.

So, I've been having some WOW moments lately. I know that this weight loss thing is supposed to be gradual to stick. They've done studies and all and have said that if you lose your weight at a reasonable amount per week you should be able to keep the weight off. And something like 90% of people that lose significant amounts of weight end up gaining it all back. So, I've been contemplating how I can be one of those in the 10% of losers that keep it off forever.

I still don't have a solid answer for that...I know you have to have a support system in place. I think that I have that. I have an email buddy that I am accountable to for all things diet. Unfortunately, I don't think that my husband would ever tell me if I were getting fat again. He's just not that kind of guy. I have a scale that I step on every single day so I think I would know if I started to regain and be able to stop it before it starts. I am hoping to break the scale addiction when I return to 'normal' and am of normal weight. Maybe I won't feel the need to step on it everyday like the whore I am and see what she has to say. I'd also like to think that when I'm 'normal' I can eat whatever I want and gain a pound. I KNOW that is untrue. I should have a plan but right now I am just so in awe that I have actually stuck with a diet and gotten to where I am today.

Of course that brings other things. I keep thinking 'I've come so far. I can stop any time now." "Oh, a little bite here won't hurt." I've been doing all of this self sabotage lately. Mind you the scale has not jumped up. I'm not 'cheating'. My inner self is just being overly active lately. I can hear her whisper all day. Sometimes she even YELLS at me. It's incredibly bothersome.

Ranting of a lunatic. Can't help it people. Just a few of the many things in my head.

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