Thursday, January 3, 2008

Welcome to the new year

I am stoked about it being a new year. Don't get me wrong...I analyze things all the time anyway. New years just gives me a reason to set newer, updated goals. Within the next few months I will work on getting myself better organized. I am a stay at home mom and have time to do things when the baby is napping. When we moved in here I just put things where I thought I would need them. Well, after being here 6+ months I know that I need to rearrange some stuff.

I will continue on my weight loss journey. I believe that through all of last year I lost a total of 50+ pounds-solid-meaning that even with my most recent time off plan I've still maintained that 50. From being my biggest at 285 I have dropped just over 65 total pounds. Today I weighed in at 217.2. Well, here we go again. I've decided to set mini goals related to my weight loss. I will exercise daily--including walking when the kids go back to school, my breathing video, and maybe some yoga. I will check in with my email buddy daily--that's accountability for me. I will drink all my water daily. I will journal daily--maybe not always on line but that's okay. Some things are better left just for me. And I will eat on my plan daily. Those five things I plan to accomplish each day. I've also set a goal of being totally compliant until Jan 31 or Feb 1--depending. Weight wise my next mini goal is to get under my 211 roadblock. Both physically and mentally. Once I hit 210.8 my next goal will be to reach onederland. Something UNDER 200. After that I will continue to my goal of 170 ten pounds at a time.

I will get a handle on our finances. I have said for many years that if we did not have the debt that we have we would be just fine monthly. I would not have to worry about what bills to pay with each paycheck. I will figure out a plan to pay off some debt. First things first, I need to figure out exactly how much debt we have. Then I can figure out what % we will pay down in 2008. I will also start actively saving $$. Meaning, each paycheck I will deposit $$ into our savings account. I'm thinking of taking the kids to the library tomorrow and I will check out some $$ books. I've read parts of some that I think I'd like to explore further. Pay it down by Jean Chatzky and Debt proof living by Mary Hunt. Maybe I can start implementing some of their ideas.

Okay, that's all I can think of for now. Three newly revised goals. Best of luck to me and everyone else that uses goals to move through life.

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